Do You Know Ways That Can Help You Prepare to Care for Your Aging Parents? Consider the Following Strategies.
Senior Care in Beverly Hills, CA – Strategies to Help You Care For Your Parents
Parents – they are there for us physically, financially, and emotionally during every stage of our lives. Until they are no longer able to and we suddenly find the tables turned. Millions of people each year find themselves suddenly in a role-reversal, caring for their aging parents. This is a most stressful, multi-faceted issue encompassing financial, medical, legal, physical and even emotional care. In short, you become the parent and they become the dependent child. Although this is a daunting task, there are strategies to help you prepare to care for your aging parents. These include:
- Powers of Attorneys: Long before issues of dementia come into play, arrange to have your parents appoint both a medical and legal power of attorney. This may be one person or more but is usually whoever is taking care of their primary needs. As they age and are no longer able to make decisions in their best interest, the decisions transfer over to these individuals.
- Be Knowledgeable, Be Ready: Have all required information written down and organized. It will make life much easier when caring for an aging parent. This information includes medical history, medication, allergies, tests, doctors’ contact information as well as medical wishes. Update or create a will for each parent and formalize estate planning. Discuss pre-planned funerals; formalize plans or at least write down their wishes for after their deaths. All of this may seem very morbid but these are real conversations that are better to have when your parents are mentally and physically capable in participating in the planning.
- Prevention, Prevention, Prevention: Much of the stress one experiences while caring for an aging parent (or more than one at a time) surrounds their physical safety. Especially when still living at home or in your own home, preventative “house-proofing” will allow you to sleep soundly at night knowing you have done everything possible to prevent falls and other accidents when your loved one is alone.
Working together, discussing duties among family members, and seeking outside supports will allow you to experience as little stress as possible during this time while acknowledging and maintaining your aging parent’s dignity. This is not an easy arrangement for either parent or child. Strive for caring through compassion and love. Senior care services can help with caregiving on days you aren’t able to be with your elderly parent.
There’s no one answer to the question of when the time is right for in-home care.
However, if you consider the points raise here today, you’ll have a better idea of when it’s time for in-home care.
And, if you have any follow-up questions, please contact us (310) 400-6869…we are always here to assist…You are Important to Us!
We pride ourselves in the Best In-Home Care!
Caregiving for You, Inc.