Caregiver Malibu CA
Caregiver Malibu CA

Dealing with Temper Tantrums as a Caregiver near Malibu CA

When we think of temper tantrums, we think of small children or teenagers acting out to get what they want. That is why it is unsettling and embarrassing to see a parent or elderly loved one have a temper tantrum. A temper tantrum is a loss of mental balance or composure accompanied by an outburst of anger. A caregiver should be prepared to deal with and handle the situation appropriately.Caregiver Malibu CA

There are several reasons why aging seniors throw a temper tantrum:

  • Elderly adults with Alzheimer’s or dementia will often have temper tantrums as a result of the personality change related to the condition.
  • Certain medications can alter a person’s personality causing them to express their frustration with outbursts of anger.
  • The senior is spoiled and wants to get his or her own way.

There isn’t much that a home care provider can do if they are dealing with an elder who has dementia or Alzheimer’s. In fact, you can expect outbursts to happen and engaging them in an argument is only going to cause more anxiety and make matters worse. You can talk to the doctor to see if there is anything they recommend, or can prescribe to help with anxiety, but remaining patient and calm is about all you can do.

Each person responds differently to medication and many times can have a negative effect. If you notice odd behavior or sudden outbursts after a new medication has been prescribed, contact the doctor and the prescription will most likely be adjusted, or changed.

It’s painful and hurtful to an in-home care provider when a parent or loved one throws a tantrum for no apparent reason other than to impose a guilt trip to get what they want. This happens many times to caregivers who take some time for themselves, who say no, or who aren’t available 24/7 to be at a person’s beck and call.

What can you do in this situation?

  • Don’t engage in the temper tantrum. Leave the room or walk away but make it clear that you won’t be taken on a guilt trip.
  • Set aside time for yourself each day and eventually your loved one will come to accept and respect that you are important too.

As a caregiver, dealing with temper tantrums can be difficult. It is important to be at peace with yourself even when you make a mistake. Accept that you are doing the best that you can and be confident. Don’t let a loved one guilt you into putting your needs on the back burner. You are important too!

If you have any follow-up questions, please contact us (310) 400-6869…we are always here to assist;You are Important to Us!


As a Registered Nurse and primary owner of Caregiving for You, Alicia Aguirre brings over 30 years of hands-on experience as a healthcare practitioner. She began her career in 1980 as a Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA), helping patients in a large convalescent home. In 1984 she transferred to another convalescent care center, added advanced training to her repertoire, and became an Administrator and Activity Director. Alicia worked continuously while raising her daughters, and in 2004 she earned her R.N. licensure. She wanted to make a genuine contribution in her field and to the community with her years of expertise. In 2005 she opened Caregivers U.S.A., Inc. with her daughter, Claudia. Finally, in 2009, Alicia opened Coastal House Residential Care Facility (RCF) in Santa Monica. Alicia is our head Case Manager, meeting with and assessing every client’s needs. She formulates a customized, individualized care plan and matches the appropriate caregiver with each client. During her time off, she enjoys walks at the beach with her husband of 40 years, daughters, and nephew. Alicia’s dream of having her daughters, Claudia and Eva, join her in the medical field has come true. They are carrying on Alicia’s legacy and maintaining her dream of genuinely helping others. Google