Daylight Savings Time Has Ended. Is Your Senior Loved One having a Difficult Time Adjusting?
Home Care Services Considerations near Woodland Hills, CA
Daylight Savings Time has ended and that means the sun is setting earlier and earlier every day. It can take some time to adjust to the changes, but when you rely on home care services, it can affect the care that you receive. Below are some things to take into consideration with regard to an in home care provider and the services that they offer.
If the in home care provider is going to be showing up when the sun is beginning to set or even afterwards (such as around 4:30pm or later), you want to make sure that the outside lights are on and are working properly.
If there is a floodlight that is not working properly, the elderly individual may not be able to replace it him or herself. Have a family member or neighbor assist in changing the light bulb. If that’s not possible or feasible, it may be necessary to hire a home improvement contractor to assist (especially if the light fixture is at a considerable height, such as over the garage door).
When the daylight changes, it can affect sleeping patterns, especially for someone who may have a tendency to nap during the daytime. If the change in daylight begins to impact the senior and he or she begins falling asleep earlier in the evening or later in the afternoon, this can affect the care that they receive.
Adjustments to the schedule may be necessary.
Sleep schedules may adjust.
As with napping, getting ready for bed (going to sleep at night) may change. If the in home care provider may be required to stop by earlier in the day to assist with various activities (for example, exercising, doing the laundry, cleaning, etc.), then this should be discussed as soon as possible. While the shortest day of the year is December 21st, there is still well more than a month to go before we reach that point and that will also lead to a change in daylight for a couple of months into the new year.
Not many people truly think about how Daylight Savings Time and the decreasing daylight can affect people, but it has the potential to directly impact seniors. If you have an elderly loved one who relies on home care services, encourage them to take into account the time and daylight changes and if they need to adjust the in home care provider’s schedule, now is the time to do that.
There’s no one answer to the question of when the time is right for in-home care.
However, if you consider the points raise here today, you’ll have a better idea of when it’s time for in-home care.
And, if you have any follow-up questions, please contact us (310) 400-6869…we are always here to assist…You are Important to Us!
We pride ourselves in the Best In-Home Care!
Caregiving for You, Inc.