Did You Know Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of Diabetes? Learn to Incorporate these Basic Lifestyle Changes to Avoid this Disease.
Home Care near Malibu, CA – What You Need to Know About Avoiding Type 2 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes is the most common form of diabetes, and can be physically and mentally crippling. But with a little effort and some simple lifestyle changes, you can avoid this disease. Here are some basic lifestyle changes you can adapt to keep this disease at bay. Cut down on sugar – This is one of the most common reasons for developing Diabetes. With the modern American lifestyle encouraging us to indulge in processed foods – foods rich in sugar – we’ve become more prone to developing Diabetes than a few decades ago. Take…
Mom’s Eating Alone: What Are the Risks and Could Home Care Services near Malibu CA Make a Difference?
Loneliness is something that millions of people around the world deal with on a regular basis. While it’s fine to eat alone once in a while, when it becomes a regular, daily habit, then this can lead to certain problems, not the least of which can be depression. A home care service is something to consider when you realize that your mother is eating alone and will continue to do so for quite some time. Maybe you don’t live close enough to your mother to spend a nice meal with her from time to time. Maybe you’re just too busy with your own family, running around, and trying to get…