Acceptance May be the Best First Step toward Making the Right Senior Care Decisions
Senior Care in Pacific Palisades CA
It can be difficult to accept that you need extra care, especially as you get older. People who have been used to taking care of themselves for most of their adult life could find it challenging to recognize their limitations. It’s also easy to assume that asking for helping or relying on it, especially with regard to senior care, is akin to losing some level of independence.
In some situations, requiring some type of senior home services may be the result of a major medical emergency, such as a heart attack, stroke, or other illness. In other cases, it could develop over time, such as having difficulty getting up and down the stairs, forgetting about certain appointments, or not being able to prepare a healthy meal any longer.
One of the most important things that has to happen first when it comes to any type of senior care decision is acceptance. There are several stages to overcoming grief and loss, and one of them includes acceptance, though that is usually the last one.
When it comes to relying on any type of senior care, acceptance has to come first. A senior who doesn’t accept the fact that he or she requires assistance, has certain limitations, or is facing any number of challenges is not likely to be willing to accept help from anyone, whether it’s from a family member or a professional caregiver.
How to help the senior accept the necessity of care?
As people get older they will experience physical changes. They won’t be able to do some of the same things they used to enjoy. That can be difficult enough to accept, but when they struggle to take care of themselves, can’t get up and down the stairs safely without worrying about falling, when they feel unsteady and uncomfortable when getting into and out of the shower, these become serious safety issues.
They may give up certain activities they used to enjoy as a way to compensate for the new challenges they face. Discussing interests they may have and encouraging them to understand the things they may still be able to do, if they got the proper level of support could help them realize just how beneficial professional care can be.
Helping them accept assistance is a process of changing the perception and perspective. By highlighting the benefits that can be gained from a professional caregiver working with them on a regular basis, by focusing on the activities they could still do with that level of support is one of the best ways to help them accept the necessity for this type of care right now.
If you have any follow-up questions, please contact us (310) 400-6869…we are always here to assist…You are Important to Us!
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Caregiving for You, Inc.