Preparing to be Your Senior Loved Ones Caregiver near Pacific Palisades CA
As we go through life, we enjoy all of the special moments with our parents and grandparents and build so many memories. For this very reason, it is often difficult and challenging to see these people we’ve looked up to our entire lives moving into the stages of old age. Our senior loved ones might experience medical issues as they age, or realize they can’t do what they used to around the house. There comes a point when families must decide if their aging loved one will remain in their home with a caregiver, or if alternative living choices need to be looked at. A growing number of families are going with the option of using a family member to be there loved ones caregiver, thus allowing the senior to stay in the familiar surroundings and comforts of their own home.
Being a caregiver for our aging loved ones isn’t something that should be taken on without first doing the research and understanding all of the aspects that are involved with becoming the main person providing care for your senior. A family should sit down and discuss exactly the type of care their senior family member requires, the schedule of care and deciding who will relieve the main caregiver so they don’t become overwhelmed or stressed, and what type of medical needs are involved, and if the main caregiver is equipped to handle these needs.
The first thing when deciding about caregiving is that your senior family member should also be agreeable upon the care they will receive, and the caregiver that will be there with them around the clock. Having an open understanding and an open line of communication makes the process much easier for everyone involved.
There are often many things our senior loved ones can still do on their own around the house. We, as caregivers and family members, need to respect their independence and allow them to complete these tasks on their own, or with help as needed. This allows your senior to remain independent, yet know that someone is there to assist if needed.
When deciding to be the main caregiver for your aging loved one, you must do research and read up on everything that might be involved with their medical care, understand the medications they are taking and the schedule in which they should take them. It is also important that you understand a senior’s daily routine and try to adhere to it the best way possible. This alleviates stress and resistance during the transition to having a full time caregiver.
A caregiver needs to understand all of the senior’s instructions from their health care provider. This can include medications, exercise, dietary plans, and their scheduled visits. A caregiver must be able to recognize the changes that might occur with different medications and the signs and symptoms of illness.
It is vital that caregivers takes care of themselves and doesn’t neglect their own needs. This means taking care of their own health and making sure they are scheduled for routine breaks so they have time to themselves and time to socialize. Understanding the signs of stress and eliminating the factors that cause the stress will make caregiving a much more pleasant experience for both a senior and the caregiver.
If you have any follow-up questions, please contact us (310) 400-6869…we are always here to assist;You are Important to Us!