Could Sudden Weight Loss Indicate that Home Care Services near Palos Verdes CA are Needed?
“A story regarding concerns on fast weight loss”
You weren’t quite sure the first time that you visited your mother last week, but you thought that she might have lost some weight. You don’t see her every day, so you don’t have a lot to go on, but you decided to check on her again a few days later and realized that your first impression was right: she was losing a lot of weight, and quickly. Despite her claiming that everything was fine, you were worried about her.
Does sudden weight loss mean that it’s time to consider home care services?
It could, but it could also indicate some other health concerns that you should address. Just because your elderly loved one has lost a lot of weight, that doesn’t mean that he or she is unable to provide the right level of care for him or herself. There could be medical or even dietary reasons for the weight loss. The weight loss that you notice may be a side effect of a new prescription medication that she is taking as well.
What are the first steps that you should take with regard to your concerns about your mother’s health? You can talk to her about your concerns. Mention that you have noticed this sudden change in her appearance. She may be able to offer you a reasonable response that would alleviate some of your concerns. However, sudden weight loss is a cause for concern for anyone, regardless of their age.
It’s a good idea to understand what is a reasonable amount of weight loss so that if your loved one explains that she was directed to try a new diet by her doctor, or read about a diet plan online or saw it in an ad, you can help her gauge whether this is something that is healthy, or if she should speak to her doctor before continuing. In most cases, a couple to a few pounds per week is about the limit of healthy weight loss. Anything more extreme could be a sign of a poor diet or a serious health condition.
If you talk to your mother and find out that she is forgetting, or is not sure whether she has been eating all of her meals during the day, then this could certain be an indicator that she could benefit from home care services.
If you have concerns about sudden weight loss in your elderly loved one and need someone to talk to, you can contact their doctor as well as home care services. The right care is about ensuring that your loved one is healthy and safe and home care services can offer you that.
There’s no one answer to the question of when the time is right for in-home care.
However, if you consider the points raise here today, you’ll have a better idea of when it’s time for in-home care.
And, if you have any follow-up questions, please contact us (310) 400-6869…we are always here to assist…You are Important to Us!
We pride ourselves in the Best In-Home Care!
Caregiving for You, Inc.