Helping Seniors Adjust to Home Care Services near Palos Verdes, CA
Getting seniors to admit they need help and agree to it is one challenge. Helping them adjust to home care services is another. Bringing a stranger into your loved one’s home, and having them assist in the most personal of ways can be very distressing to them. Helping them adjust is a process that is going to require building a relationship and trust.
It is often humiliating for seniors when the time comes to need someone to help them get dressed, bathe, or use the bathroom. Many are reluctant to have family members help in the area of personal care out of embarrassment or shame. This doesn’t mean that having strangers involved makes it easier. They still need to feel comfortable and treated with dignity.
A good in-home care provider will have a positive attitude and look to establish a rapport with the senior. They will do what they can to make them feel comfortable and at ease. They are understanding of the senior’s hesitations and make the experience as positive as they can.
Adjusting to one stranger may be tolerable for your loved one but having more than one caregiver might be too much. Agencies will try to provide the same caregiver at your request but it may not always be possible. Therefore, it is important that your loved one be introduced in advance to anyone who may serve as a backup in the event that the primary in-home care provider cannot be present.
Getting used to home care services can take some time. Multiple caregivers may need to be tried out by your loved one in order to find an individual that is compatible with their personality. Don’t be afraid to tell the agency that a caregiver isn’t working out. Agencies will work with you and your loved one to find the right match of personality and skills that will put the elder at ease.
Before a caregiver is even sent to the home, there is much time and effort put into analyzing your loved one’s needs. Depending upon what needs have to be met, the agency will provide a person trained to handle these specific needs. Is it always a perfect match at first? No. However, it’s not like they just send out random caregivers to a home. They do try to provide those with the best chance of compatibility.
Helping a senior adjust to home care services can go one of two ways. It can be a grueling process in which multiple people have to be tried out or they can adjust to the new caregiver provided. In time they will come to look forward to their visit and companionship.
There’s no one answer to the question of when the time is right for in-home care.
However, if you consider the points raise here today, you’ll have a better idea of when it’s time for in-home care.
And, if you have any follow-up questions, please contact us (310) 400-6869…we are always here to assist…You are Important to Us!
We pride ourselves in the Best In-Home Care!
Caregiving for You, Inc.